Friday, December 14, 2012

Quarter 2 Art

I had so much fun looking at the art that was turned in  to me this quarter! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
Cody C. (5th grade) Unit 1 Lesson 4 "The Artist's Sketchbook" Lesson Objective: Demonstrate the use of line, shape, and texture in a sketch and drawing of the same object.

Hailey C. (3rd grade) Unit 1 Lesson 4 "The Artist's Sketchbook" Lesson Objective: Make sketches of an object in a sketchbook in various views, focusing on line and shape.

Ian J. (3rd grade) Unit 3 Lesson 3-4 "Michaelangelo's Masterpieces" Lesson Objective: Design a paper monument for a wealthy or important patron.

Kaitlin W. (5th grade) Unit 3 Lessons 6-7 "Navajo Weavers" Lesson Objective: Demonstrate the use of color and pattern in a weaving.

Lauren A. (Kindergarten) Unit 2 Lesson 1 "How Artists Use Shapes" Lesson Objective: Create a design using shapes.

Levi H. (Kindergarten) Unit 3 Lessons 5-6 "Family Portraits" Lesson Objective: Draw a family portrait.

Sarai C. (7th grade) Unit 2 Lesson 9 "Composition: Pulling it all Together" Lesson Objective:
Use the elements of art and principles of design in a composition.

Sophia B. (Kindergarten) Unit 4 Lesson 1 "How Artists Use Patterns" Lesson Objective: Make an artwork with printed patterns.

Ty H. (4th grade) Unit 3 Lessons 1-2 "Waving the Flag" Lesson Objective: Demonstrate the illusion of space and the use of shape, overlapping, detail, and color in a cityscape with flags.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Weekly Newsletter

Here is the newsletter for the week of December 10 - December 14. Please read through it and let me know if you have any questions!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Weekly Newsletter

Here is this week's newsletter. Please read through it and let me know if you have any questions. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to meet with you in person this month! Have a great week!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Weekly Newsletter

Here's this week's Weekly Azar. Please read through it and let me know if you need further explanations! Attachments mentioned were sent in the original email containing this week's newsletter. Thanks and have a great week!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Assignment Sheets and Pacing Guides

Hello, Class!

By now, you have all received your Quarter 2 Assignment Sheet. Some of you have requested the Pacing Guides that I provided to you upon enrollment. Rather than sending individual emails with attachments, I'll further direct you to the following link, at which you can download each Pacing Guide you may need. The link is: Please let me know if you need additional support with the Pacing Guides and/or Assignment Sheets as I am always ready to help!

Mrs. Azar
Backpack, Books and Supplies

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Weekly Azar

Good afternoon!

Here is this week's Weekly Azar Newsletter. Please be sure to read over it carefully. This will be sent via email as well with all attachments mentioned. Have an amazing week of learning!

Mrs. Azar

Friday, October 26, 2012

Glad You're Here!

Thank you so much for checking out our class's blog! Here are some things that I hope to be able to do on this blog:
  • offer teacher tips from me, other CAVA teachers, other CAVA families, and websites
  • provide a way to have meaningful discussions about topics that we encounter every day
  • post questions that you guys have for me and allow for everyone to add their input
  • stay connected to each other, and not get stranded on CAVA island!
Be sure to bookmark this blog web address so you can easily access it any time! The blog address is: